Hey everyone once again my name is Jocelyn and I'm going to be talking to you about my relationship to language. I speak English and Spanish. Although I can understand,read and speak a little Spanish English is the language I feel most comfortable speaking because it was what i grew up speaking. It wasn't till I was about 5 or 6 years old that I began to learn Spanish because it was the only way I could communicate with my grandparents. In my everyday life when I'm in school or with my friends all i speak is English. In my household is where I only speak Spanish. I feel that the language you speak is just something you memorize either as a child growing up or a grown up taking a class to learn a language. When someone learns there second,third or forth language its not quite the same as their first because your first language your grown up learning so its automatically stuck in your brain unlike when your learning your 2nd or 3rd language you have to practice for a while to learn and memorize that language because its something that's new to you. Something that i wonder about language is if a persons nationality has to do with the language they acquire and if you are limited to being taught any other language by your family growing up because of your nationality.
I hope you enjoyed reading about my personal relationship to language and my opinion on language and how people acquire the languages they speak. :)
I agree with you when you talk about learning the first language, because learning it and knowing it becomes automatic to you when your young.